Monday, March 2, 2009

Picture this....

I used to go to these kinds of clubs in my youth and dance to this

Julian Jumpin Perez was the BOMB. Amazing what you can find on YouTube


Anonymous said...

Clubs!? Where... in the middle of corn fields! I knew where you grew up. Or were you a regular at Zero Gravity? Ya...I can see you there with AM cutting up the floor with zodiacs, no socks and Z cavaricci pants (with the tight roll at the ankle). Sorry, ZG won't let anyone in with a mustache so you're limited to jamming this tune in your living room and kickin' it 'cardboard style' with Sara. Be sure to close the blinds so no calls an ambulance if you're spotted.

ZMoney said...

You had my outfit pegged perfect! No we were big time we would hit the Chicago clubs on there teen nights.