Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dead bird?

Saturday morning...Zach was taking Grace for her walk and I was cleaning up the house a little bit and filling up camel backs to get ready for our ride. Out of nowhere, I hear a noise...sounds like breaking glass. The only reasonable explanation I could think of was a bird hitting one of windows in the front of the house. It was loud enough that I thought for sure I'd find a dead bird outside.

Went outside and there were no dead birds in sight. No injured birds in sight either. Didn't know what to make of it.

It wasn't until we got home from our ride later and Zach went to watch a little TV that we realized what had happened. Our TV won't turn on anymore. I swear the noise I heard had to be something busting inside the TV. But it wasn't on. Can the bulb in a TV spontaneously explode?

That's nice...the stupid TV makes the 1700mile trek out here and then decides to die on us 2 months later. Has anyone bought a new TV lately that they just love? We're looking for recommendations. We haven't purchased one since 1998.


Anonymous said...

You don't need a TV. You only need those things for winter months.

Sara said...

For me, yes, but Zach loves his TV.