Thursday, November 8, 2007


Had a "full" week of work this week. Tues thru Thurs - mornings in the regular preschool classroom and afternoons in the special needs classroom with my one on one. I'm not quite 100% recovered from the flu. No fever since Sunday, but my tonsils have been tender since the weenend and I feel like a sinus infection may be brewing. My sisters are laughing at me - that I can't take the preschool germs. I'm sure I do need to build up my resistance. There's so much snot and sneezing and holding hands and picking noses. I'm surprised I made it this long without any sickness.

Tonight I'm feeling the physical assistance that makes up a good portion of my afternoon. Now that he is getting comfortable in class with the other students, he wants to be 'normal' like them as much as possible. That means washing his hands at the sink instead of me wiping them down while he stays in his chair. He wants to walk everywhere instead of using his chair, play on the playground, ride bikes...some things I can help him do and some things the school does not yet have the right equipment. It is great that he has the drive, I'm glad I can help. That is certainly the point. But I am a little sore today. My back and neck are tender.

The OT paid us a visit today. It was neat to watch him work with my student. I learned some things I need to start doing and some other things I need to do less. I will be sitting in on his IEP that is going to be the week of Thanksgiving.

I still can not believe how lucky I am to have ended up with the teacher and the other aides that I have. They are all wonderful, patient, interesting, gifted women. And I am so grateful for having been matched up that little kid. My first experience in education could have been much different.

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