Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Jenny and Dave and company had an 11 o'clock arrival time. Their plane actually landed around 1pm....without their luggage. Zach and I were riding in Sedona, then getting checked in so things were in place were they got there. I ran to the outlet mall to find swimming attire for them for that first night. How awful would it be as a 3 year old to go on vacation,stay at a place with an outdoor heated pool and hot tub, and not be able to swim???? No suits to be found, so I found some cute board shorts for her, Dave got a new pair of swim trunks, and the little guy some swimmy diapers. Jen could borrow a suit of mine if she wanted to go in.

By the time I made it back from the mall and the grocery store, they were there, sipping beers, feeding their army. We had a great time. Did a couple of good hikes (Hamburger Hill, Red Rock Crossing, Cowpies), swam in the pool, carried out from some of our favorite restaurants, drank tasty beers, and enjoyed the most perfect weather. Had some yummy ice cream and found a new Sedona favorite: French baguette encased hot dog (think corn dog, minus the stick, plus high quality bread instead of corn bread). I had a hard time getting Zach to share. We spent some time and money at the Bike and Bean. Amanda had her first s'more by the fire at the Quail. Jen had a hard time convincing her she'd like it. Once she tried it Jen couldn't it get back.

Zach and I drove home Tuesday morning; he headed to work that day. I went home and took a nap (the little guy had a rough night, we were up from 2 to 3am!!) and went in to work that afternoon. Jen and Dave and kids took the scenic route through Cottonwood and Jerome and hung out at our house till we both got home that night. It's been a fun relaxing few days so far. The kids are on nap schedules so we never venture out too far.

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