Wednesday, October 24, 2007

78 to 55

There was a PCC (Prescott Cycling Club) hike scheduled tonight to see the full moon from the tower at Lynx Creek Ruin. I met Debbie and Katrina there on my way home from work. The temp in the Cruiser read 78 degrees at 4:15. Parked at Sevenmile Gulch and hiked part of the 305 to the trail that leads up to the ruins. The day I rode up the same trail, I noticed there were numbered markers along the way. It was great hiking with Debbie, because apparently, each number is posted in front of a particular bush or tree. If you take a map with you, the map tells you the name of each species. I didn't need a map today b/c Debbie knows them all by heart. pinon pine, ponderosa pine, prickly pear, alligator juniper, mountain mahogany, was pretty cool. She shared alot of other interesting factoids about Prescott. As we were getting close to the top, Toby joined us with his dog Oreo (first time meeting Toby and Oreo). Turns out Toby lives in our neighborhood on the other side. He gave me a few suggestions on how to bike around the area without having to take the busy roads.

It was a pretty cool hike. Fun going with people who know the area. The view from the top was awesome. I can't believe we live here. It was 55 degrees when I pulled out of the parking lot at 6:30.

In other news. Finished my second week of substituting. With the exception of one full....difficult day at a middle school, I have been at the District Preschool working one on one in the afternoon with a student who requires the use of a wheelchair. This is my first experience at this type of work, and I am guessing that I am spoiled with the student that I have ended up with. Such a good, sweet kid. And a wonderful, constantly positive mom. She is quite an inspiration given their situation. And she's so young. I don't know where she got her patience and outlook. Maybe from her son. It started out as a 3 week assignment, but the teachers, the mom, the director, and the student (according to his mom) all really like me. So I will be staying on long term.


Unknown said...

that's awesome sara. how rewarding for you.

Sara said...

Yeah, I'm pretty excited. Completely different from what I was doing at home!