Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 4, Yardwork, Granite, The Last Supper

The first real off-road ride. Thumb Butte only took us about 45 minutes and Groom Creek was a bust because of the rain. We left our hired help back at the house to finish up the yardwork. It was really taking them way too long to get the yard in decent condition. If anyone can recommend some good help that we can hire, please let us know.

Earlier in the week, Ken, Pat, Grace and I stumbled upon Ironclad Bicycles in Prescott. Pete gave me a few a trails to try out, so we packed up the car and headed back to Granite Mt. This time we headed south on 347.

The trail starts out fairly flat, dirt/sand mixture, little ups and downs. You are pedaling along with houses that are off of Williamson Valley Rd on one side and Granite Mt on the other. After a short time you head west and start a gradual, rocky climb up to the junction where 347 and 345 meet. Turn south, head through the gate and this is where it gets interesting.

The trail turns into fun ups and downs, twists and turns, a little bit of sand, and a nice mixture of rocky sections, slickrock, and flat smooth sections. With all of this fun stuff comes a constant gradual climb up. The first time we rode the 347, I did not think it was so fun. It's hard to find enjoyment when you are in a constant state of oxygen deprivation. I don't know if it was my lack of fitness or the altitude, but I could not breath. My legs had no spunk. I was hurting. So when Zach thought it would be funny to tire rub me on almost every climb, I started to get a little bit crabby. Plus the sand was still damp from the rain, and it felt like pin pricks when it flew up and hit my legs. I had to stop many times to catch my breath. Had to walk up a few hills. But then we got to the end and turned around and it was sheer bliss. The perfect combination of heading back down combined with just enough climbing. Zach thinks it may be the most fun he has ever had riding. At the end of the ride that day, I didn't think so. I thought he was crazy. I was so exhausted. But since then I have gone back when the sand wasn't wet and I went solo. I took my time on the way out so I could breath more evenly and understand better (ie.. my brain was able to process and absorb the ride instead constantly being on the verge of blacking out) why he loved it so much. And now I understand. The 347 is where Zach will take Adam and Aaron when they come visit in October with Stacy and Amy.

That night was the night before Ken and Pat headed back to Plainfield. They really took care of us in so many ways while they were here. We went back to the Prescott Brewing Company for dinner. MMMmmmm..they have good food and good beer.

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