Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I was on my way to Granite Mt this afternoon around 2. The cruiser read 93 degrees outside. I was a little irritated with myself...I thought, Why, oh why, don't I ride right after I take Grace for a walk? Leave at 7am when it's 70 degrees outside? Oh yeah, I have to feed her. Then let her out. Then I have to have some breakfast and finish the coffee. While I'm finishing the coffee I might as well do a thing or two. Send some emails, make a few phone calls, try and understand what the heck net unrealized appreciation and cost basis both mean. And then the paperwork starts. Opening the mail, signing the forms, calling the old phone company who still has not disconnected our old phone line. Then it hit me. It's The Paperwork....The Paperwork is bringing me down!!!

After a 15 minute drive I arrive at the Williamson Valley Trailhead and settle down a little. Head out on 347 on the singlespeed (for the first time out here) and realize I forgot the wrench on the front seat. I think I'll be okay because we just replaced the rear tube with a slime tube. So if I do get a flat it will probably be the front. It is pretty hot on the climb out. I make it up all the hills, which on this ride is not too big a deal, but I was still happy with myself. I got to the gate at 346 in about 40 minutes. Turned around and headed back down. After riding for a little and feeling the cool breeze (yes, at 92 the breeze can actually feel cool) I had the best idea.

I retired from Molex, why can't I just retire from the paperwork? It's just too time-consuming.

I wonder what Zach will think of that idea.

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